Our name
Our nameOur official church name is Tokyo Musashino Evangelical Free Church, as we are located in Musashino, a city of about 140,000 immediately to the west of Tokyo proper.
Evangelical denotes our commitment to the proclamation of the Gospel (good news) and to the authority of Scripture as being inerrant (without error) in the original autographs (the documents penned by the writers) and the only safe and sufficient guide to faith and practice. Free pertains to our congregational form of church governance, ensuring that local churches are free from a central controlling body. Evangelical Free Churches depend upon the active participation of lay people as well as pastors and elected leaders in the decisions and direction of the local church. However, our church is more commonly referred to as MCC, which stands for “Musashino Chapel Center.” This name was conceived at the founding of the church to reflect the “chapel model” on which the original comprehensive church planting strategy was based. Though the chapel model has been superseded by a more decentralized “sister church” association, the moniker remains. |