Our nature & purpose
Nature & Purpose StatementWe are an English-speaking community of believers within the Musashino Evangelical Free Church and subscribe entirely to its constitution and bylaws.
Our fundamental focus is on the triune God and His Holy Word, glorifying Him through our worship, our preaching and teaching, and in our commitment to holiness. Secondarily, we desire to see this local body strengthened through prayer, discipleship, training, serving, and caring. Our third area of focus is evangelism, as a proper focus on God, both personally and as a body, will result in a concern for unsaved people around us—both Japanese and non-Japanese. To these ends, the aim of our ministries is to bring glory to God, deepen our knowledge of Him, strengthen ourselves as a local body of believers, be actively friendly to visitors—both believers and unbelievers, and send those returning to their home countries, or moving on, more fully equipped to serve Jesus Christ. As an international body, the MCC English Department is unique in its make-up and function. Along with representing a variety of cultures and denominations, our usage of the English language is a strategic advantage as we pursue our commitment to evangelism. We also have a structural uniqueness in that we operate as part of a greater church, in partnership with a Japanese department through the MCC Board, and in cooperation with its leadership. In addition, we seek to work with missionaries and tentmakers as well as various para-church organizations. As a result of our focus on the Word of God, worship, prayer, discipleship, and evangelism, we anticipate an increasing number in our department growing in grace, knowledge, maturity, and fruitfulness; and using the spiritual and personal gifts God has given for the benefit of this body and for reaching many with the gospel of salvation. Consequently, we anticipate a healthy percentage of visitors returning regularly for worship and fellowship, as well as seeing unbelievers coming to a saving faith and true knowledge of Jesus Christ. April 8, 1990 Amendments approved by the English Department Council July 6, 2008, November 9, 2014, and November 5, 2017. |